Montserrat Geothermal progress report

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Posts Tagged ‘Monlec

Electric cars for Montserrat – someday

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Coda Automotive will be introducing an Electric car into California in 2010 (next year).

The batteries for electric autos have been one of the stalling points of the popular acceptance of electric cars. Coda Automotive will be involved in a joint venture to create the super battery — Lithium batteries. Ironically Lithium is one of the minerals in the brine mentioned in the story below about Geothermal plants being half Geothermal and half mining operations. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the lithium mined in Montserrat were to be used in a battery FACTORY on Montserrat?? It could happen.

Imagine IF Montserrat had a functioning Geothermal Electrical power plant up and running.

Well first Monlec would need to install battery recharging units at either private homes or in public lots throughout the island. Next question would the fuel monopoly on Montserrat start to howl in protest?
